Restore the Noise

Hi everyone! My name is Amber Harlan, I am the owner of the Noise Project Salon and I just bought a van and have been renovating the inside to be able to live and work out of. I want to take Noise Project on the road next year, I really want to see more, connect with more people, and continue to help spread Mental Health Awareness one haircut at a time.  I will be doing a Hair Tour up the Pacific Coast Highway into Canada. I want to connect with hairdressers, educate haircutting, Homeless Haircuts, and give as many haircuts to people as I can while seeing the world of course.

I have been doing hair for 15 years, and I know I can’t live without it so I had a whole van converted to work out of on the road. Electrical built out in the van so the blow dryer can be supported.  I also want to continue my Noisy Mind Meetups but on the road. I also want to create a conversation based around mental health check-ins so more salons can be supported for others. Talking through haircutting and creating a safe place for people to share their stories or what’s going on in their head and to transform someone’s outer appearance, they then can move forward seeing a new version of self. Haircutting is transformative and can save a life.

My Goals are to partner with a brush company so I can leave a brush with everyone that says “You are beautiful.” Importance of grooming and taking care of the scalp. I want to help more people Provide more Mental Health Resources for those who have experienced pain/trauma. A reminder to take care of yourself. I believe that a haircut/sharing stories can honestly get someone off the streets, help them see a new version of self, and remind them that someone cares about them. Connection through a haircut.

My sister Kristina will also be going with me to create as much content as possible. The Noise Project will remain open and ran by my partner Thalia Ayoub.

To help partner or any questions please email